The experience of life in a village has instilled a strong sense of duty to community in Robyn. She acts on her belief that strong communities are built when individuals work together for the common good.

- Co-founder and ongoing coordinator of A Brush with Poetry, a poetry event held every second month in Binalong. Open mic/guest poet. Attracts poets from Canberra, Yass, Boorowa, Young and sometimes further afield. 2013-current.
- Chief Steward Poetry at Yass Show 2014-18.
- Committee member Australian Bush Poets Association 2015-16.
- As President of Binalong Arts Group Inc, Robyn was the driving force behind the 2014 and 2016 NSW Bush Poetry Championships in Binalong.
- Publicity Officer for the Johnny Gilbert 150th Anniversary Re-enactment Weekend, May 2015, Binalong. A celebration of history and commemoration of the shooting death of the bushranger by police.
- Binalong Coordinator, Kangaroo March Centenary Re-enactment 2015, including concert featuring local poets, musicians and singers.
- Countless performances at a volunteers at community concerts, aged care facilities, schools, community organisations such as Red Cross, Rotary, Lions, VIEW, Probus, CanAssist, Hospital Auxiliaries and Relay for Life and more.
- Coordinated (for Binalong Arts Group Inc) bringing Dead Men Talking (Max Cullen and Warren Fahey), Gregory North (bush poet/entertainer), Snez (singer songwriter), Bruce Watson (singer songwriter) Jacqui Malins (poet) and other events to Binalong. 2014-current.