Drama highlights

Robyn’s interest in acting began while she was still in primary school, courtesy of her parents, who were both keen amateur actors. Numerous roles followed with Demondrille Players, Binalong Players and Yass Repertory. From Mary in Reedy River (by Dick Diamond), to Margaret in  A Spring Song (by Ray Mathew) to the heroine in melodramas, Robyn’s roles have been many and varied, helping develop the versatility for which she is now known.

Drama highlights

  • Children’s Drama Workshop, CASP grant, NSW Govt & Regional Arts NSW 2018
  • Numerous amateur theatre roles for various theatre groups, 1969-current
  • Producer/Director three school productions, Binalong Public School 1989-93
  • Mentor, Debating and Public Speaking, Binalong Public School 1993-2003, 2018
  • Arts Council of NSW, 1969. Best Junior Actress Under 17, 1969

    Robyn’s interest in drama began at an early age.